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2 kits 2%, 3 kits 5%, 4 kits 8%, 5 kits 10% for more than 5 kits 15%


Simulation of Aging and Disability

Understanding better to better support

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Simulation of disability


We offer you to feel and understand the effects of handicap thanks to our handicap simulation kits and accessories in order to improve the living conditions of people with reduced mobility.


Better understand disabilities through simulation

Disability is the limitation of the possibilities of interaction of an individual with his environment, leading to psychological, intellectual, social or physical difficulties. Disability is first thought of as relating to a deficiency causing disability then it is redefined relative to an inequality of means, incorporating the idea that "interventions intended to remove environmental and social obstacles are necessary".

The term “handicap” has thus acquired, in addition to the medical aspect, a social dimension, and it refers to the difficulties of the so-called “disabled person” faced with a given environment in terms of accessibility, expression, understanding or apprehension. The level of disability, that is to say the extent of activity and participation limitations, is thus variable depending on societal, human, technical and legal contexts.

Disability affects 80 million people in Europe and 650 million worldwide. The prevalence of disability in 54 countries of the WHO study is estimated at 15% of the world population, and in 80% of cases it is invisible disabilities. Only 10% of people with disabilities have tools to help them in their daily lives.

By simulating various disabilities, we allow us to better feel and better understand a certain number of the difficulties that people with reduced mobility encounter in their daily lives in order to improve their living conditions.

The elements of the ageing simulation can also be used in the simulation of the different disabilities of the elderly.


The partial hemiparesis simulation kit can be worn either on the right or on the left and be used alone or combined with aging simulation elements (hearing helmet, glasses, overshoes, gloves, cervical collar ...).

Hemiparesis is a partial deficit of muscle strength affecting the right or left half of the body. It is a motor handicap often due to a stroke.

Consequences of a stroke : Loss of motor skills, strength and sensitivity in one arm, one leg, half of the face (deviation of the mouth) or all of one side of the body (hemiplegia).

This deficit can be total or partial. In the latter case, we speak of hemiparesis. The consequences are movement disorders due to an increase in muscle tone and muscle reflexes, the sitting and standing stations are very laborious. Speech and muscle swallowing are impaired. This can lead to the affected person not being able to express themselves properly or having difficulty swallowing. The eye muscles are affected, so strabismus and double vision can occur. Coordination problems complicate daily actions. Loss of balance increases the risk of falling.
The cane helps you during the weight transfer to move the invalid leg.
The arm sling simulates the immobility of the arm glued to the torso due to its muscular hyperspacity, which leads to an imbalance of the body.
The eye patch simulates the impairment of unilateral vision.

The pacifier simulates speech impairment and muscle swallowing due to unilateral facial paralysis.
The leg splint simulates spasticity, stiffness of the leg.

Ankle weights accentuate the muscular hyperspacity (difficulty to move and move in the sitting / standing station).

Leg problems after a stroke are common and can vary in severity. Here are some common complications:

  1. Muscle weakness: Stroke can cause weakness or partial paralysis on one side of the body (hemiplegia), which affects the ability to walk or move your legs.
  2. Spasticity: Muscles may become stiff or contract uncontrollably, making movement difficult.
  3. Pain: Some stroke survivors experience nerve pain in their legs, caused by brain damage.
  4. Balance disorders: Difficulty maintaining balance is common, increasing the risk of falls.
  5. Fatigue: Post-stroke fatigue is common and can make mobility more difficult.



Back problems


Back pain is the number one cause of disability before age 45. 

It is considered that 80% of the population have or will have back pain. For most people, back pain emerges chronically. The severity of the problem, however, varies from case to case. Some individuals are only subject to minor and mild ailments, while others may unfortunately experience extreme and demanding pain.

Causes of back pain

The usual causes are usually abnormalities like arthritis, osteoporosis, herniated discs, sciatica, muscle tears or various injuries previously contracted. Certain lifestyle factors are also taken into account. This can include lack of exercise, overweight, poor posture, physical inactivity, aging and even psychological factors such as stress, anxiety and depression.

Osteoarthritis - joint disease - and osteoporosis - bone disease - are separate but related diseases.

We talk about osteoarthritis when they are combined. These pathologies have in common to bring their share of pains and difficulties to move and use its members.

With our device for simulating back and lumbar problems, we can perfectly simulate the problems of back malformation following degenerative diseases like osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

The SIVIHA back problem simulator is an innovative device which does not simulate back pain but the problems (constraints and limitations of movement) following back-lumbar and cervical pain.

It is primarily used in medical training and awareness raising, to help healthcare professionals, students, and caregivers better understand and address the challenges associated with these conditions.

It also plays an essential role in the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) linked to gestures and postures at work. It is used to train professionals and workers to adopt good ergonomic practices to prevent back pain and injuries.

EXCLUSIVE - New kit of back-pain simulation - in three sizes

In an effort to improve our simulation products for ease of use while meeting our quality guidelines,
we have modified our back problem simulation product. 

We offer a device that simulates the restriction of movement due to the back stiffness that is caused by back pain. Back pain inevitably involves poor posture, restrictions in all movements and therefore a daily handicap.

We offer this equipment in two sizes and provide an explanatory brochure.
What is our simulator for back and back problems used for ?

To feel is to understand the difficulties of a person suffering from back-lumbar problems in order to adapt, modify and correct their environment.

Allows to study the implementation of means for a better adaptation of the professional environment, that is to say the adaptation of gestures and postures in order to limit back problems for all professions who put their back to tough test.
Examples : nursing staff in hospitals, establishments for the elderly, people working in the construction industry or on assembly lines, people working all day in front of a computer etc., (the field of application is very wide).

The use remains preventive. It provides better control and improved working conditions, but cannot in any way improve existing back problems.


Tinnitus is very common.
After 60 years, 10% to 20% of people suffer from tinnitus at one time or another. This can be temporary or final.

The main risk factor for tinnitus is hearing loss, deafness often linked to loss of high frequencies. In young people, the main cause of hearing loss, and therefore of tinnitus, corresponds to sound trauma, due in particular to loud music. In the less young, the main cause is presbycusis, that is to say the hearing loss which occurs quite often over the years.

Tinnitus is simple noise heard in his head or in his ears, and which have no external origin. There are two very different kinds of tinnitus:
- Objective tinnitus corresponds to real noises that occur inside the body, and that we hear. For example, it can happen that an artery is narrowed and that the blood makes noise while passing there, noise which one can hear like a breath which pulsates at the rate / rhythm of the body,
-Subjective tinnitus corresponds to whistling or buzzing created from scratch by the hearing system.

In order to better understand this problem, we offer a headset equipped with a player that allows you to hear a series of sounds heard by people suffering from tinnitus.


The essential hand tremor is sometimes called hereditary tremor, because it is passed from parents to children.

Most of the time, it starts with a trembling of the hands, which then spreads to the head, even to the voice. If the disease does not threaten life, it can lead to a serious handicap: all fine gestures become difficult, even impossible, and social embarrassment is also very heavy. Write, dress or even eat ... Simple gestures, but which can prove complicated, even impossible, when one trembles. In France, one in 200 people suffers from essential tremors.

What essential hand tremor is not !

First, the idea that the person is suffering from Parkinson's disease. The error is understandable, since Parkinson's disease also causes tremors, but it is nonetheless false. In the case of essential tremor, it is an action tremor: if the muscles are not stressed, they do not tremble. The hands placed on the table remain immobile, for example, while in the case of Parkinson's disease it is the opposite : the action stops the tremor,which manifests at rest.

Neither alcoholism nor drug addiction is involved either, so if you come across someone who is trembling, do not automatically associate it with an addiction!

The essential tremor of the hands can be reproduced with gloves, the mitten or even only with the patches, which are connected to a device which sends a weak electric current in the hands. It is neuromuscular stimulation.

In order to increase the feeling of the tremor and prevent the current from passing through the heart, we provide you with patches with the stimulation device. Additional patches are also available for sale.

A brochure is supplied with the equipment.
We offer patches which can be used with the glove, the mitt or without glove and mitt by adding a patch on the top of the hand (this new process can increase the feeling of trembling).

Do not hesitate to put the gel that we provide on the patches and / or the hands for more efficiency, any risk that the current passes through the heart is eliminated with our products.


Blindness going as far as blindness is a problem very strongly linked to age: the risk of blindness is ten times higher after 65 years and 20 times higher after 75 years than in younger people.

Our set of 7 simulation glasses simulates the following eye diseases:

This is explained by the existence of pathologies linked to the aging of the various structures of the eye: lens (cataract), retina (age-related macular degeneration), optic nerve (glaucoma). These pathologies affect the fraction of the population that will increase most rapidly in the years to come. We can therefore expect to see the need for eye care increase exponentially.
Eye diseases have a special place in all debilitating diseases.


Partial or total clouding of the lens, progressive loss of vision, at first discomfort with light (photophobia).

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

Retinal disease caused by progressive degeneration of the macula appears from the age of 50, frequently from the age of 65.Significant impairment of vision.


Degenerative optic nerve disease, pprogressive loss of vision from the periphery to the center.
The vision loss associated with glaucoma is permanent and irreversible.Without treatment, this disease can lead to blindness.

Retinitis pigmentosa

Genetic eye disease, pnight vision loss., rnarrowing of the visual field, ploss of central vision.

Unilateral retinal detachment

Separation of the retina from the outer membranes of the eyeball leads to blindness if left untreated quickly. This disease mainly affects people aged 45 to 60, myopic and diabetics.

Diabetic retinopathy

Retinal damage occurring in the context of diabetes.
The people concerned by this pathology can be between the ages of 20 and 65, leading to blindness if left untreated.

Homonymous lateral hemianopsia

Homonymous lateral hemianopsia (HLH) is a hemianopsia in which the loss of visual field is on the side opposite the lesion that caused it. A lesion on the right therefore leads to HLH on the left. It is said to be homonymous because the lost visual field is, with respect to the patient, on the same side for both eyes.

We offer a  7  eye pathology simulation set mentionned above accompanied by an explanatory brochure.

Due to high demand for our ocular pathology simulation kit, we are obliged to reserve shipment for customers ordering other simulation products. Thank you for your understanding.

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